In Spanish Education System, we spent four years in compulsory secondary school. After that, we have two (optional) years more at secondary school to prepare our university entry exams: we call them "exámenes de Selectividad". Your university access mark is calculated from both your average in the last secondary school years and from your marks in Selectividad.
I was 18 years old. I had the better average anyone can have in secondary school when I did my Selectividad exam. I had been selected as the better student in my high school. Supposedly, I was prepared to pass any exam I was going to do.
I had to do 8 exams in 3 days. I don't remember which subject I began with. I don't remember what day the mathematics exam was, or even if it was the first exam of the day. I only know that I felt very comfortable with most of the exams appart from the Spanish language and English ones. I'm very self-tough.
We did the exams in the Complutense University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). There were thousands of students there: all the students who had passed the last two year at every secondary school in Alcalá de Henares were there.
I had selected my options before I knew the Selectividad marks. I wanted to study (in this order): Medicine, Physiotherapy or Engineering.
I passed all my exams. In the English exam I got a low mark but I passed it. In the Spanish language one I got 10/10!! But in Mathematics... I really failed: I got 0/10. It changed to 4/10 after I made a formal appeal. Anyway, I couldn't study neither Medicine or Physiotherapy.
Finally, after 6 years at the Technical University I became a Computer Engineer. However, nowadays I work as a Mathematics teacher in secondary school and I try to prepare my students well for their university entry exams.
Destiny or coincidence?? Who knows. I only hope my students will get entry to the degree they want.
PS: You could find more vocabulary about Education and other topics (and its pronuntiation) here.
Please, If you find any mistake or you have another point of view about the information that I have posted, please leave a comment. We can all learn together! This blog feeds on your coments!!
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