I have never had closeness to material things. There was only one thing that I always had with me and witch - owing to events in my family (I came to consider a good-luck charm). However, in my opinion, most material things are only a burden that constrain and limit your freedom in some way. The important things in life are those that can not be bought with money... I know, it sounds like an advertising slogan, but in my view it is so. Love, health, affection, happiness,... these non-material goods are the ones I think everybody should seek, wish for and fight for. Nevertheless, I would be lying if I didn't say that I felt terribly sad when I lost my bangle.

I had had the bangle with me since I was 18 years old. It was a present from my parents for my cum-laude at high school. I can remember now that I thought at the time that it was a little ugly: "Gold and silver together? My parents haven't any taste in bracelets...". But I didn't say anything about this. I put it on and I have had it with me thereafter. Initially I wore it as a courtesy, but some years later (after my parents separated) it became the symbol of my united family that I missed so much...
Two autumns ago, I was working in Fuente Obejuna as a mathematics teacher. A workmate was going to retire in a couple of days, so we all went to have lunch together. We were talking about school, students, parents,... (you know how boring people that talk about the job can be) when, suddenly, I realized that my wrist didn't weigh the same as usual. I had lost my bangle, the one that was inscribed "Mamá y Papá". The one thing I still kept from my united family. I really felt apart.
I was searching for it all evening. I went to every place I had been that day. I even made posters and hung them in the school and the main streets of the village.In the days that followed, I was telling everybody about my loss, but it never appeared.
I should admit that I cried and was scared... I had strange bad feelings... It was my charm... It protected me... My parents protected me... I never imagined that I would feel so bad!! Even today tears flow freely down my face when I think about the meaning my bangle had for me and that I lost it...
And what about you? Have you ever had a material charm?
And what about you? Have you ever had a material charm?
Please, If you find any mistake or you have another point of view about the information that I have posted, please leave a comment. We can all learn together! This blog feeds on your coments!!
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