Monday, 10 December 2012

Vocabulary For Descriptions

Tomorrow I have an English exam. Whatever mark I get on it, won't be taken into account in the final course evaluation. However, it's important for me to know I am doing right my learning, and this is a good way to found out (It's a good way to get feedback on my learning).

This exam will be the quarter exam: we should revise everything we have been learning during the last three months. This includes the following topics:
- Personality,
- Clothes and Fashion,
- Illness and treatment, 
- Psychic and Fortune-tellers,
- Air travel.

In secondary school, teachers say to us that we may study using our own schemas and doing our own reviews. In my opinion, it is a good way to memorize and internalize the knowledge. Consequently, I always make reviews of my knowledge. 

I want to post my notes here, and the first one is about vocabulary for descriptions; not only personality descriptions, but also physical descriptions (clothes and fashion).

I hope you might find useful.

PS: You could find more vocabulary about descriptions and other topics (and its pronuntiation) here.

Please, If you find any mistake or you have another point of view about the information that I have posted, please leave a comment. We can all learn together! This blog feeds on your coments!!


  1. My brother-in-law, Keny, said to me this morning that he thinks it's wrong to say "Tomorrow I have an exam". He would say "Tomorrow I'll have an exam".

    I'm going to explain why I used present simple:
    - First of all, when I say "tomorrow" I'm specifying an action that will happen in the future. So, it would be recommended to use a future time.
    - Second, you shouldn't use future (will + inf.) to talk about what have you already decided or arranged to do. When you want to talk about future arrangements/plans, it's necessary to use present continuos (or even present simple): "Tomorrow I'm doing an English exam".
    - Third, verbs which describe states or feelings (not actions) are not normally used in the present continuos (like want, be, love,...).
    - Fourth, a few verbs have an action and a non-action meaning. The most common is "have": "I have a blig flat" (here the meaning is possession, non-action), whereas "I can't talk now. I'm having lunch" (here the meaning is an activity, action).
    - Fifth, the meaning I want to use from "have" verb is not as an activity. So, I can't use present continuos in this example.
    - Finally, if I can't use future (because the exam is an arregement) neither present continuous (because the meaning with -ing is not right in this example), we should use present simple.

    Furthermone, there is a rule that says you can use the present simple for people if their plans are fixed like a timetable. So, here we are!!

    I hope you might find useful.

  2. English is almost as complicated as Spanish :)

    Congratulations on your blog. I will look in regularly.
